Thursday 11 October 2012

Analysis of 'Alien' Film

At the start of the scene there is a close up of a guy talking and he is positioned in the middle section of  rule-of-thirds which suggests he is an important character as the main focus is on him. There is then a straight cut to another crew member and there is shallow focus on the guy when the other character walks in to the frame which blocks out anything in the scene by making it unfocused,therefore forcing the audience to concentrate on a particular character. It is also a close up shot of the two characters talking. There is a straight cut to where the crew are all sitting around a table eating. The camera pans around the room so the audience can see all around and show each of the characters.The camera then  focuses on the guy with the alien inside him. the director uses a close up as in this part of the scene, he is the main focus. As the alien starts to 'hatch' the camera becomes very rough and 'unsmooth' as if its from the point of view of another crew member trying to hold the guy down, like the others. This made me feel sorry for the character and i also cringed at it because it was very bloody and i felt like i could physically feel what the guy was feeling. As the alien was 'hatching'there was low music in the background-non diegetic-that was like an orchestra.
 There is a constant rumbling sound-diegetic-as if it is from the ship moving.When the crew try to find the alien they use this machine that makes a noise when it detects movement. when one of the crew members puts his hand over it to make sure it works it makes a diegetic sound. The camera cuts to a woman crew member in another part of the ship where there isn't a low rumbling-no background noise. This made me feel on edge because there was complete silence and i was afraid that something might make me suddenly jump. There is a straight cut to when the crew are trying to find the alien. There is low key lighting and only one light source-which is a torch. This means the audience is limited on what they can see. This builds up tension and fear because there is mostly darkness which is many peoples fears. There is high key light coming from the top corner of the ship and close up of man with light on his face-gives the audience some hope of him surviving. Its also raining in the space ship-very futuristic which is stereotypical for sci-fi films. There is a jump cut to the cat which jumps out of a box. I felt scared at this point because i expected it to be the alien coming to kill the guy.
In the opening to the kitty scene there is a man in the middle of the rule-of-thirds and its a long shot which shows its a large place to try and find a cat. It also shows the audience the setting. The camera then cuts to a close up of the back of the guy and tracks as he walks towards the large doors. There is still low key lighting in this scene as its in space-no rela light-and the man is also in a deserted part of the ship. There wouldnt be any need for big lights. There are windchimes in the background which made me quite tense because it means there is some sort of wind/movement causing them to make a sound. Its also very mysterious. Light is shining down on the mans face which shows shadows etc. which is noir style of film. then there is a starigh cut to the man as he finds the cat. The director has chosen to use a reverse shot between the mans face calling the cat and the cat. A jump shot has been used which cuts to the alien behind the man. Reverse shot is still used but is now between the cat and the mans &alien.
There is a close up of the cats face as the guy gets killed by the alien. This made me feel relieved that we( the audience) didnt have to see him being killed. the scenes over all made me feel sorry for the characters as the alien was obviously going to kill everyone!

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