Sunday 16 September 2012

Breaking Dawn-Part 1

My favourite film of all time has to be Breaking Dawn-Part 1. I'm definitely Team Jacob. Breaking Dawn-Part 1 was directed by Bill Condon-the screenwriter of Chicago-and is the fourth instalment of the twilight saga.

The opening scene is Bella Swan's and Edward Cullen's wedding. The couple then go on their honey moon to Esme Island; Edwards father,Carlisle gave Edwards mother the island as a present. Two weeks into the honey moon, Bella finds out she is pregnant with a baby growing at an extraordinarily accelerated rate. Bella refuses to have an abortion even though she knows that the baby isn't human. Sam Uley-wolf pack leader- plans to kill Bella and the baby so Jacob leaves his pack and goes to the Cullen's house to protect them. Seth and Leah Clearwater late leave Sam's wolf pack to join Jacob,forming a new wolf pack. As the pregnancy progresses Bella's health severely deteriorates. Bella then starts to drink blood after Jacob suggests that's what the baby wants. Bella then goes in to labour and Edward has to inject his venom in to Bella's heart so she can survive and when it looks like it isn't enough,he bites all over her arms and legs to get the venom all around her body. However that still doesn't work and Bella is thought to be dead. Jacob attempts to kill the baby-Renesmee- after he hears of Bella's death but instead imprints on her.When the werewolves learn of Bella's "death", they attack the Cullens' house in an attempt to kill the baby. They are forced to stop after learning Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee (imprinting is the involuntary response when a werewolf finds his soul mate; thus under their wolf law, Renesmee cannot be harmed). Carlisle realises that Bella isn't dead after he realises she has a slight pulse. Her wounds heal as the venom spreads around her body and then she awakens as a new-born vampire.

My favourite scene in Breaking Dawn is Bella's Transformation scene at the end of the film because it shows flash backs of all the romantic moments Edward and from the three previous films. It also shows the venom going through Bella's body which makes me cringe at how fast it is healing her and how strong it is.
Breaking Dawn-Part 1 is also my favourite film because the whole film is set in such beautiful places and i would love to visit all the different places such as Taquari in Brazil where the waterfall scene was shot, Vancouver and Baton Rouge,United States where the wedding scene was shot.
Another reason why i love the Twilight Saga is because of the music on the soundtracks. In the first 3 instalments bands such as Paramore(my all time favourite band!), Muse,Linkin Park and Robert Pattinson himself were part of the soundtrack! The Breaking Dawn sountrack has songs by Christina Perri, Bruno Mars and a song called Flightless Bird, American Mouth performed by a band called Iron & Wine which featured on the Twilight soundtrack.

I would definitely recommend the Twilight Saga to anyone. If you havent seen it then you're definitely missing out!

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