Friday 7 March 2014

Annotated Catalogue

To what extent does Martin Scorsese's futuristic tendency depend upon Leonardo DiCaprio to represent psychologically damaged male protagonists?

Item 1- Shutter Island 

I have chosen this films as my feature film as this is a very successful film Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio worked on together. Shutter Island is a psychological American film released in 2010. I plan to use this film to answer my question as DiCaprio plays a psychologically damaged character due to his wife's death. I will also be showing how Scorsese shows a particular interest in these psychological characters and how DiCaprio plays these characters. Shutter Island is a fiction film which is useful for answering my question as my other two films, Wolf of Wall Street and The Aviator are based on real people and events. I will use this to show how the psychological damage can be shown through different lights.(Useful)

Item 2-Wolf of Wall Street

Item 3- The Aviator

Item 4-
This is an interview with Leonardo DiCaprio about working on the film Shutter Island. DiCaprio talks about how Shutter Island is about trauma and the dark side of humanity.i will use quotes from this interview to show how DiCaprio focuses on the emotions of the character. DiCaprio talks about how Scorsese depicts something about humanity and who we are as people.(Useful)

Item 5-The Passion of Martin Scorsese 
This book discusses the film i am using, The Aviator. The book includes useful quotes from Martin Scorsese and also from the screenwriter John Logan on how Scorsese and DiCaprio understand the characters and explains about the psychological side of DiCaprio's Character, Howard Hughes.I intend to use 3 quotes from a certain page (page 190) as they are useful in explaining the relationship between Scorsese and DiCaprio.(Useful)